Welcome to Cobra Class Website!

Here are a few notices/reminders:

Being in UKS2 (Upper Key Stage 2) in order to promote and enhance their independence, the children with parental/carer permission can walk home from school. In the first instance, could you please let me know either at the door or via email and not via the child please, if they will be walking home on their own - you don't need to tell me every time just in the first instance via email so I have a record of this. 


I cannot emphasise the importance of reading at home enough, it is something that needs to be done at home and not just at school. Our expectation is that every child reads at home a minimum of 3 times a week, but obviously the more the better. Please ensure you are listening to your child read, it is important even in Years 5 and 6 that the children are being heard by an adult. This is to help with not only reading the words but understanding and recalling what they have read (reading comprehension). There is a book list tab above if you would like some ideas of new books for your child so they are reading a broad range of genres and authors.  Please also make sure that an adult has signed the child's home-communication book to say they have read at home. If a child has been heard to read at home with an adult 3 times in a week, then they will receive a raffle ticket. 

MyOn: Please use our new software at home called MyOn, where the children have access to a range of books to read online. We have a limited supply of books in school and using MyOn is a fantastic way to support and encourage children to read more at home. The pass rate is 60% on their AR book quizzes as this shows they have a good understanding of the book just read. The more they read at home, the more stars added to the class reading target! 


Our PE day has now changed and will now be on a Tuesday from the start of this Spring term. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE uniform. The school and PE uniform can be found here https://htpshalstead.com/parents/policies/ 

Please ensure earrings are removed for PE - this is part of our uniform policy and for safety reasons. Children must be able to take their earrings out themselves as we cannot do so. 

Curriculum Newsletter - see the tab at the top of this page to view.

Homework (Wednesdays) - Parents and children - please ensure the homework completed is by the child (obviously help can be provided but it needs to be the child's work/writing, etc). Also please read the expectations relating to the presentation and content of homework on the homework tab above. If you need any paper, then please ask in advance (before it is due in!). Homework is weekly, giving the children a week between each piece for it to be completed. Could you also please ensure your child hands this in on a Wednesday please. 

The children will be coming home with a Home-School Communication book, this is where you will also see a copy of the homework grid, you will also write in here to say when you heard your child read so we can keep an eye on who is reading at home - if you have an urgent message then please tell me at the door as the books will not be checked daily (they will be checked twice a week).